Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

In 2005, Rhino Fund Uganda opened this private 70-sq-km reserve, 170km northwest of Kampala, about 30 years after poachers shot the nation’s last wild rhino in Murchison in 1983. The perimeters of the sanctuary are secured by the Uganda Wildlife Authority and the Tourism Police, making sure that both guests and — most importantly — the rhinos, are safe.

The Sanctuary started with just six Rhinos and now has over 22 southern white rhinos roaming the savanna and wetland of the sanctuary and the numbers are likely to swell further. To protect these endangered animals, each Rhino is tracked and followed 24-hours a day, with rangers keeping a discreet distance to ensure as much of natural life as possible, while ensuring their safety.

Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

The rangers log the rhinos’ behaviour hourly, in carefully detailed parameters, building up a picture of what natural rhino behaviour looks like, as well as making sure that each animal is in good health, allowing appropriate intervention by veterinary healthcare professionals where necessary.

The long-term goal for these magnificent beasts is to reintroduce them in Murchison Falls and Kidepo Valley National Parks.

Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

Rhino Tracking

Usually, this destination is added to a Murchison Falls Safari to complete the Africa “Big Five” game viewing. Murchison has four of the Big five members.
A guide will lead you on an up-close encounter, either in your vehicle or theirs (US$25). While tracking rhinos on foot sounds a bit foolhardy, the fact that they’re in the company of armed anti-poaching rangers 24 hours, means they’re well and truly used to human presence.

Other animals living inside the 6ft-tall electric fence include leopards, hippos, crocodiles, bushbucks and oribis.

Shoebill Stork in Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

The famous Shoebill Stork in Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary

It’s also home to 350 species of bird, and bird watching tours cost US$25, with highlights including giant kingfishers, Ross’s turacos and shoebills. The latter is best seen on early-morning shoebill canoe trips (US$30 per person) to an adjoining swamp, where you have a very good chance of spotting them.

There are occasionally volunteer opportunities, so ask one of our consultants to help you with volunteer opportunities in Ziwa.

Ziwa Highlights

  • Ziwa Rhiino Sactuary is a home to over 22 southern white rhinos.
  • Great addition to Murchison Falls safari route—enroute to Murchison Falls National Park and has the fifth member of the African safari “Big Five”.
  • Ziwa Rhino is the only place where you will be able to see rhinos in the wild.
  • At Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary you can go for guided nature walks, birding and camping but mainly Rhino tracking.

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